Network Technology
Network Technology Departmental Fund


Networking and the Web have become the underpinnings for much of our economy. The degree offerings within the Network Technology program at Highlands College provide a quality education that develops skills necessary to design, develop and support computer networks. The program emphasizes current and emerging network technologies, preparing students for a wide variety of industry recognized certification exams.

Coursework is rich in laboratory experiences with state-of-the-art industry hardware and software. Students study in a learning environment that stresses practical, hands-on experiences and internships. The skills learned are the critical foundations of Information Technology careers.

We believe in investing in our students and we ask you to join us. Departmental dollars are imperative to support our students and faculty, invest in equipment and grow our program. By making a gift to our Network Technology Departmental Fund, we can help students reach their educational goals. Please consider giving today and investing in our students at Highlands College.

Thank you for your support and please help us spread the word! Share this project on social media, by email and tell your friends!

DAY ONE Matching Final Stretch
Sep 12, 2017

We're nearing 10am and with that the conclusion of the two available giving incentives; our 2 to 1 New and Student Donor Match and our Departmental Incentive.

Here is the current leader board:

  1. Mining Engineering
  2. Nursing
  3. Business Information & Technology
  4. Petroleum Engineering
  5. Digger Athletics
  6. Environmental Engineering
  7. Professional & Technical Communication
  8. Safety, Health & Industrial Hygiene
  9. Trades & Technology
  10. Chemistry & Geochemistry
  11. Computer Science

Help your department in the final stretch! Good luck to all our project and for more information and to give click here

Image for Update: DAY ONE Matching Final Stretch
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