Mining Engineering
Preparing the next generation of Mining Engineers through hands on real world experiences!

For over 120 years the Montana Tech Mining Department has produced mining engineers with a particular aptitude for practical application of what they learn, our engineers have a particular knack for getting rock in the box. An important part of that preparation is hands-on learning through student club experiences that better prepare them for life in industry after graduation.


Montana Tech Mining Team Competition


That is why this year we have decided to raise funds for our Montana Tech Mining Team and The Anderson-Carlisle Technical Society at Montana Tech - Student Chapter SME.

The International Collegiate Mining competitions began in 1978 to honor the memory of 91 miners who died on May 2, 1972, when fire broke out in the Sunshine Mine near Kellogg, Idaho, one of the world’s largest silver mines. Since then, the competitions have been dedicated to all miners who are lost on the job and your Montana Tech Mining Team has represented our state in all 39 annual events with the exception of 2020 when the competition was cancelled due to COVID-19.



The 2021 contest is slated for Australia, and while times are uncertain, we want to do our best to prepare our Montana Tech Mining Team students to compete and retain the Sunshine trophy that we brought home to Montana Tech in 2019. We are asking for your support to help our teams with possible travel costs for this year and for future competitions. All gifts to the Montana Tech Mining Team will be used to support multiple Montana Tech teams attending the competition now and for years to come.



Another important part of students preparation is attending the annual SME meeting, where our Anderson-Carlisle Technical Society at Montana Tech - Student Chapter SME members have the opportunity to meet Alumni, industry contacts, attend technical sessions, and often find internships and permanent jobs. While times are uncertain as far as travel, the students are committed to being prepared for this year and future years and are truly appreciative of your support. Above is a photo of our students manning the Montana Tech information booth at SME. Below is a photo our of students at the 2020 SME convention in Phoenix.



Please consider making a gift today to tour Montana Tech Mining Team and The Anderson-Carlisle Technical Society at Montana Tech - Student Chapter SME. Your gift is an investment in Mining Engineering students at Montana Tech.


Thank you for your support and please help us spread the word, share this project on social media, by email and tell your friends!



Mining Engineering Donor Map
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0VTNHMARICTNJDEMDDC
45 Gifts
Rank State Gifts
1 MT 45
2 NV 16
3 CO 12
Departmental Challenge Leaderboard
During DayOne Departments competed head-to-head for a chance to earn extra money towards their department project by bringing in the most gifts to their project. The top ten finishers split the pot valued at up to $20,000.Congratulations to all of our departments that competed and thank you to all of our donors supporting your passion through Montana Tech's DayOne Giving Event.
Rank Prize Department Gifts
1 $5,000 Digger Athletics 143
2 $3,750 Mining Engineering 83
3 $2,500 Safety, Health & Industrial Hygiene 38
4 $2,000 Business 37
5 $1,750 Geological Engineering 32
Show 5 More
First Time Donor Match
During DayOne 2020 first time donors had the opportunity to have their gift matched 1:1 from a match pool of $5,000. Thank you for supporting your passion through DayOne 2020, Montana Tech's giving event!
$5,000 MATCHED
Student Donor Match
During DayOne 2020 Montana Tech student donors had the opportunity to have their gift matched 1:1 from a match pool of $5,000. Thank you for supporting your passion through DayOne 2020, Montana Tech's giving event!
$3,260 MATCHED
Faculty Staff Participation Match Challenge
$5,000 was unlocked with the participation of 50 Montana Tech faculty staff members and $100 will be applied to the project to which the original gift was made by the donor. Thank you to all of our Montana Tech faculty and staff for participating in DayOne 2020 and supporting the students and programs of Montana Tech!
50 / 50 Donors
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