DayOne 2021 has concluded. If you would like to make a gift to any of our projects please click here.
Mining Engineering
Invest in the Future of Mining Engineering at Montana Tech!

For over 120 years the Montana Tech Mining Department has produced mining engineers with a particular aptitude for practical application of what they learn, our engineers have a particular knack for getting rock in the box. An important part of that preparation is the industry learned and applied knowledge shared by talented faculty to better prepare them for life in industry after graduation. 

Montana Tech Mining Team Competition

That is why this year we have decided to raise funds for our Mining Engineering Department Fund and invest in the promotion of the department and creation of open source materials for our students, alumni, and industry.

During his sabbatical, Dr. Thomas Camm, along with Scott A. Stebbins, completed work on the publication "Simplified Cost Models For Underground Mine Evaluation: A Handbook for Quick Prefeasibility Cost Estimates." Dr. Camm decided to make the piece free and accessible to the public and to date, it is the top viewed creative work from the Montana Technological University Digital Commons with over 2,500 downloads.

Taking this as inspiration along with the knowledge and expertise available within the Mining Engineering Department at Montana Tech it is our goal to create multi-platform offerings of additional open-source materials that can be made available to the public at large, including our alumni, supporters, and industry partners.

By producing these materials we would also like to lessen student expenses by creating free and accessible texts for our Mining Engineering courses, eliminating the need for students to buy books. We want to develop platforms for a podcast and Mining Department blog to recruit future students as well promote our department and industry. And eventually, we feel this would enable us to offer non-credit short courses to our alumni and Mining colleagues.

The Mining Engineering field is one that is constantly evolving and that is exactly what we aim to do with the creation of open-source materials. During DayOne we invite you to invest in our vision with a gift to the Mining Engineering Department Fund.

Please consider making a gift today to Mining Engineering Department Fund to invest in the promotion of the department and creation of open source materials for our students, alumni, and industry. Your gift is an investment in Mining Engineering students at Montana Tech. 

During DayOne with thanks to Sonya and Scott Rosenthal all gifts to the Mining Engineering Department Fund will be matched 1:1 up to $1,000. 

In addition the the Mine Department Fund, during DayOne we are also offering opportunities to give to:

The Underground Mine Education Center - During DayOne with thanks to Sonya and Scott Rosenthal all gifts to the Underground Mine Education Center will be matched 1:1 up to $1,000

Dr. Tom Finch Endowed Memorial Scholarship- Gifts made to the Dr. Tom Finch Endowed Memorial Scholarship  during DayOne 2021 will be matched 1:1 up to $5,500 thanks to an anonymous donor as well as Sonya and Scott Rosenthal. 

Montana Tech Mine Rescue - Gifts made to Montana Tech Mine Rescue  during DayOne 2021 will be matched 1:1 up to $2,000 thanks to an anonymous donor.

Montana Tech Mining Team - Gifts made to Montana Tech Mining Team during DayOne 2021 will be matched 1:1 up to $2,000 thanks to an anonymous donor.

The Anderson-Carlisle Technical Society at Montana Tech - Student Chapter SME.- Gifts made to The Anderson-Carlisle Technical Society at Montana Tech - Student Chapter SME during DayOne 2021 will be matched 1:1 up to $2,000 thanks to an anonymous donor.

Women in Mining - Gifts made to Women in Mining during DayOne 2021 will be matched 1:1 up to $750 thanks to an anonymous donor and Sonya and Scott Rosenthal.

Montana Tech Chapter of International Society of Explosives Engineers - Gifts made to Montana Tech Chapter of International Society of Explosives Engineers during DayOne 2021 will be matched 1:1 up to $1000 thanks to an anonymous donor.

Thank you for your support and please help us spread the word, share this project on social media, by email and tell your friends!



Mining Engineering Donor Map
Rank State Gifts
1 MT 46
2 NV 16
3 CO 12
Underground Mine Education Center
Thank you to Sonya and Scott Rosenthal who added an additional $1,000 in matching funds to he Underground Mine Education Center during DayOne 2021. This matching opportunity has been met and awarded all available funds.
Montana Tech Mine Rescue Match
Thanks to an anonymous donor an additional $2,000 was added to Montana Tech Mine Rescue during DayOne 2021. This matching opportunity has been met and awarded all available funds.
$1,190 MATCHED
Montana Tech Mining Team
Thanks to an anonymous donor an additional $2,000 in matching funds was added to the Montana Tech Mining Team during DayOne 2021. This matching opportunity has been met and awarded all available funds.
$1,770 MATCHED
Student Donor Match
During DayOne 2021 Montana Tech student donors had their gift matched 1:1 from a match pool of $5,000. This matching opportunity has been met and awarded all available funds. Thank you for supporting your passion through DayOne 2020, Montana Tech's giving event!
$2,200 MATCHED
Canadian Resident Match
Thank you to Bob '82 and Liz Shepherd who matched $5,000 in gifts made by current Canadian residents during DayOne 2021! This matching opportunity has been met and awarded all available funds.
$2,650 MATCHED
Second Chance - First Time Donor Match
This match has been met and all available funds have been awarded. During DayOne 2021 first time donors had their gifts matched 1:1 from a match pool of $5,000. This matching opportunity has been met and awarded all available funds.
$2,730 MATCHED
Mining Department Fund Match
Thank you to Sonya and Scott Rosenthal who added an additional $1,000 in matching funds to the Mining Engineering Department Fund during DayOne 2021. This matching opportunity has been met and awarded all available funds.
$1,000 MATCHED
Dr. Tom Finch Endowed Memorial Scholarship Match
Thank you to an anonymous donor along with Sonya and Scott Rosenthal who added an additional $5,500 in matching funds to the Dr. Tom Finch Endowed Memorial Scholarship during DayOne 2021. This matching opportunity has been met and awarded all available funds.
$5,500 MATCHED
SME Student Chapter Match
Thanks to an anonymous donor an additional $2,000 in matching funds was matched to The Anderson-Carlisle Technical Society at Montana Tech - Student Chapter SME during DayOne 2021. This matching opportunity has been met and awarded all available funds.
$2,000 MATCHED
Women In Mining Match
Thanks to and anonymous donor and Sonya and Scott Rosenthal an additional $750 in matching funds was applied to Women in Mining during DayOne 2021. This matching opportunity has been met and awarded all available funds.
Montana Tech Chapter of International Society of Explosives Engineers Match
Thank you to Sonya and Scott Rosenthal as well as an anonymous donor for adding an additional $1,000 to he Montana Tech Chapter of International Society of Explosives Engineers during DayOne 2021. This matching opportunity has been met and awarded all available funds.
$1,000 MATCHED
First Time Donor Match
This match has been met and all available funds have been awarded. During DayOne 2021 first time donors had their gifts matched 1:1 from a match pool of $5,000. This matching opportunity has been met and awarded all available funds. Thank you for supporting your passion through DayOne 2021, Montana Tech's Giving Event!
$5,000 MATCHED
McCarthy Momentum Match
Thank you to Jack and Leah McCarthy for driving the momentum and excitement during DayOne. An additional $5,000 has been added to DayOne projects, funds and scholarships thanks to their generosity. This matching opportunity has been met and awarded all available funds.
$5,000 MATCHED
Faculty Staff Participation Match Challenge
$5,000 was unlocked with the participation of 50 Montana Tech faculty staff members. $100 will be applied to the project to which the original gift was made by the donor. This match opportunity has been met. Thank you to all of our Montana Tech faculty and staff for participating in DayOne 2021 and supporting the students and programs of Montana Tech!
50 / 50 Donors
Departmental Challenge Leaderboard
During DayOne Departments competed head-to-head for a chance to earn extra money towards their department project by bringing in the most donors to their project. The top ten finishers split the pot valued at up to $20,000.Congratulations to all of our departments that competed and thank you to all of our donors supporting your passion through Montana Tech's DayOne 2021Giving Event.
Rank Prize Department Donors
1 $5,000 Digger Athletics 144
2 $3,750 Mining Engineering 61
3 $2,500 Environmental Engineering 33
4 $2,000 Business 30
5 $1,750 Clark Fork Watershed Education Program 29
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